Podcast Episode 19: Exercise, Type 1 Diabetes and CGM - Cutting Edge Insights from Recent Studies

Guest Speaker: Dr. Dessi P. Zaharieva, PhD, CEP, CDCES
Real-time real talk is intended for healthcare professionals in the US.
In another episode of Real Time Real Talk, host Cher Pastore invites Dr. Dessi P. Zaharieva, to discuss all things diabetes. Dessi completed her PhD in Kinesiology & Health Science at York University under the supervision of leading diabetes researcher, Dr. Michael Riddell. She is currently working with Dr. David Maahs and the University of Stanford team to improve clinical outcomes in youth with type 1 diabetes.
Dessi Zaharieva's research focuses on effective strategies to reduce blood sugar fluctuations (i.e. hypoglycemia) during exercise and in recovery in individuals with type 1 diabetes.
Dessi has been living with type 1 diabetes for over 25 years and is also an award-winning high-level athlete within Brazilian Ju-Jitsu. She understands the challenges associated with exercise and blood glucose control and is very passionate about diabetes research, specifically the body’s response to different types of physical activity.
During the episode, Dessi runs through some clinical studies and interprets insights from them to provide practical and valuable advice on various types of exercise, insulin doses, and current glucose trends.
The speakers also explore the importance of continuous glucose monitoring in managing diabetes and the role played by patient-centered care. Finally, Dessi explores how technology advancements in health care have led to the development of tools that simplify guideline applications in practical real-time scenarios.
Learn how professional health care specialists like Dessi harness the knowledge gained over decades of research to ensure that it translates into ready-to-use strategies for those with diabetes.